Why 1,575 haikus? Because my darlingest Annelies Marie Frank lived 15.75 years in this world.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Night

Night is that absence -
'tis a herald of fullness;
a bringer of dreams.

'Tis not emptiness
to which is assured - the end;
that which we should dread.

- selah -

The power of Night
is a myst'ry of the Light;
preludes to the Dawn.

(All things rise and fall...
From the deep, a constant call -
like a breathing - one.)

Open your heart, friend,
and your will see in the wing
the black of our hope...

unborn dreams...
unsung songs....

The Black of Hope

Black is the color of unborn things,
of death, departures, and hope taking wing -

To those who weep, it is gentle consolation
- far in mind yet near at heart -
reminding faith, its final vindication.

To those who pine, it is quiet expectation
- a calmness in the space of sorrow -
veiling love, securing tomorrow.
