Why 1,575 haikus? Because my darlingest Annelies Marie Frank lived 15.75 years in this world.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Daily Dose

O the daily dose -
that break from quiet repose;
disturbing and bleak!

I read your headlines
and today's troubles, they grow
larger and larger...

Too much news?
Better not...

Reading the daily news these days is like eating junk food, you read too much of it and you get sick in the heart.

And the comments being posted on the various opinion boards on the Internet - they don't help! In fact, most of these are just plain vomit... (yuck!)

It is symptomatic of the present state of our world.

There is much food but not for eating, there is much water but not for drinking! These are the times we're living in...

If one doesn't know where to get real food and real drink, one will surely starve in the spirit.

No wonder the fascination with zombies and the undead. Perhaps deep within, that is what most people feel...
