Why 1,575 haikus? Because my darlingest Annelies Marie Frank lived 15.75 years in this world.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Loan

All knowledge is borrowed that we might obtain to the Truth
and work out in ourselves an understanding of all things.

The mind is a cup
and with knowledge it is filled
until it is full.

It becomes useless.
Not because it is a cup.
Do you understand?

When you know,
you let go...

(...until the cup knows it is a cup.)

Knowledge that is kept like a treasure rots,
cursing with blindness instead of blessing with sight

But knowledge that is given, in word, deed, and prayer,
instead of impoverishing the giver, multiplies the gifts.

For truth once gained is possessed forever
and understanding once obtained is forever endowed.

But all knowledge returns again and again to the LORD;
like a river, it runs; like a stream, it flows,
keeping all things, teaching all things,
bearing all things in hope.

So when you think about something, let go.

Let go, let go, and let go.

Let go until it all comes back to you by your letting go.

Then you will always have understanding.