Why 1,575 haikus? Because my darlingest Annelies Marie Frank lived 15.75 years in this world.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Before the Law

THE ETERNAL LAW is the binding force of the laws of the nations.

We live under God
for God builds - always with us -
everywhere, in us.

The LORD calls to us.
We heed the voice of our King.
The nation is built.

No one else's yoke
is as light and as sweet as
the yoke of our King!

Before us, the Law -
'tis the commandments God spake,
written in our hearts.

Before us, the Law -
ever always to remind
of Who is above.

So law does
not oppress.

We are a Republic, my people,
- an order and a purpose -
gathers our times, talents
and treasures together.

It is an order -
inexhaustible and eternal,
beautiful beyond our imagination.

It is a purpose -
divinely ordained and infinite,
beyond our naked capacity to compehend.

We a nation ruled NOT
by randomness and chance.

There is a distinctive spirit
that calls together and binds
all our generations together
- this spirit of nationhood -
we know, in our hearts.

For God is our King
and the reign of the LORD
is neither mindless nor blind!

- selah -

We do not live under any law,
my beloved people, for we are a free nation.

We live before it, ever before it!

The law is placed
ever before the people
that we may work as individuals,
with and among each other as citizens,
moment to moment, day by day,
according to the freedom of our gifts,
and the better purposes of the LORD,
to better and more effectively
accept and conform
to each necessary social adaptations
required of us by the law,
shaping and enriching our culture,
enabling our community to innovate,
to survive, and to prosper - as one.

In this way,
law is as a mold - that -
helps to give a proper shape
to our particular society
and this requisite shape
is always a thing
guided by reason,
enlightened by faith,
and demanded by Providence -
each in its own due season,
as required by the needs
of every present time.

- selah -

Law is what deters evil
from afflicting all who are covered
by the law.

the surest way a community
- may place itself -
under the protection of the law
is by abiding with the law.

The law exists for everybody or none at all.