Why 1,575 haikus? Because my darlingest Annelies Marie Frank lived 15.75 years in this world.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Magic Sales Meow

Go sell, push, push, push -
How? When? Where? Who? What?
Confusing at that.

Enter the magic -
the touch of the experienced;
the meow that works.

The magic
sales meow!

Who Gotz It?

The magic sales meow,
the elusive skill of all sales cats -

The mysterious gift that grows
into that remarkable talent
to sell the service with conviction
and to seamlessly close the sales gap
by transitioning into effective solutions
that push the imminent good of a product
by enlarging upon the obvious truth
of a relevant customer need.

Who gotz the magic meow today?

Those who are skilled? nope.
Those who are learned? nope.
Those who are cute cats? nope.

Only the brave.
Only those who survive.

Only persistence pays;
the winner who never quits!

When you gotz it, you gotz it.

Or you don't gotz it. There is no maybe.
