From our First Parents,
all generations draw descent;
the one race of Man...
Alas, War divides
to conquer the truths within.
Differences don't curse:
In fact, they
make us strong.
all generations draw descent;
the one race of Man...
Alas, War divides
to conquer the truths within.
Differences don't curse:
In fact, they
make us strong.

"We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools."
- Martin Luther King Jr. (19290115-19680404 of valor and love of Country) - servant of Jesus Christ and martyred scion of the elder Republic of the United States of America, beloved son of the one American nation and faithful servant of common humanity, vanguard of the civil rights movement, friend of freedom, friend of peace, lover of the common Man - via con Dios.