We know God through Christ
for in the Lord is the Light -
the life of Mankind...
For the heart must see
before our feet takes a step
so in Christ, we see!
Not by sight
do we walk.

The Light of Life
The triumph of goodness is obvious.
We see this triumph expressed faithfully
in the lives of great men and women
past, present, and forever.
We see this triumph expressed perfectly
in the life of Jesus Christ, the one Savior of Mankind,
the Light through Whom we gain true sight
and the power to give it to others.
This Light is the victory of life!
So it is this triumph of the goodness in all for all
- its force, its majesty, and ultimate reality -
that the Evil in all evil things
everywhere strives to utterly obscure
in everyone and in every age
so that
evil is perpetuated
not because there is a lack of evil
but because there is a lack of good.

in everyone and in every age
so that
evil is perpetuated
not because there is a lack of evil
but because there is a lack of good.