Husbands, love your wives,
wives love your husbands, and trust
in thy Love between.
Do not trust to Man,
what in Love you now profess,
be true to your love.
Union is

You can not see God.
You can not see the Love-in-Between.
Therefore, during difficult times in your relationship when you find it hard to trust in Man, you must never give up on each other...
You must each learn to trust in your Love: The Love-in-Between.
A married couple is one whole. There does not exist anymore a single man or a single woman but a single heart of Love. So must you see it as such - not by its parts but by its totality.
Single persons most especially - must respect the lawful communion of the married state in this way.
For the eye of the predator instinctively seeks to separate the parts from the whole.
But the eye of a friend sees the whole and seeks to preserve it for the sake of its parts.